Did you know? Fun Facts About Dentistry From Your Saint Louis Dentist

Did you know? Fun Facts About Dentistry From Your Saint Louis Dentist

Posted by Dr. Thomas Flavin Mar 18,2014

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Typically you’ll find useful educational information in our blogs. And sometimes we’ll even talk about certain dental conditions and how you can help keep them at bay. But it’s not always so clinical here at Healthy Smiles of Saint Louis. In fact, we like to make dentistry for our patients enjoyable too, so we’re taking a different approach for this blog and sharing some fun and interesting dental facts.

  • On average, people spend approximately 48 seconds a day brushing their teeth. And while we’re happy to hear that they’re brushing, 48 seconds is just not long enough! The Academy of General Dentistry recommends spending at least 2 minutes brushing each and every time, at least twice a day.
  • Have you ever stopped to think how much saliva you produce? Surprisingly, the typical person produces about 25,000 quarts of saliva during their life. That’s enough saliva to fill 2 swimming pools! And the point to all that saliva? It actually helps neutralize acid and keep tooth decay away.
  • Your teeth are pretty amazing things if you think about it. From having prints that are unique to you, to beginning the digestion process through chewing, your teeth are responsible for a lot. That’s probably why your enamel is the hardest substance in your body! But they aren’t to be used as tools to open or rip anything. Doing that can lead to broken or chipped teeth in Saint Louis.
  • Say cheese! Yes, cheese! Cheese is good for your grin — the calcium and phosphorous in cheese actually reduces the pH level in plaque and helps to remineralize enamel.

At Healthy Smiles of Saint Louis, we’re all about getting and keeping your smile in tip-top shape while educating you along way. But we’re not just here to teach and guide; we also like to make dentistry fun. If you’re looking for a dentist in Saint Louis, or if you’re overdue for a check up, give us a call to schedule an appointment today. We’re sure to make you smile!

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