4 Things You Can Do To Protect Against Tooth Staining

4 Things You Can Do To Protect Against Tooth Staining

Posted by Dr. Thomas Flavin Dec 17,2020

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Tooth staining occurs when your teeth absorb pigments from food and beverages. Certain drinks, such as coffee, tea, and cola, can stain your teeth, as can foods like berries, tomato sauce, and soy sauce. Smoking cigarettes and using certain medications can also cause tooth discoloration. Here are a few tips to prevent dental staining:

Use Straws

There are many things that can stain your teeth, including wine, coffee, tea, or soda. One often overlooked source of staining is the consumption of dark-colored beverages – especially soda. Americans love their soft drinks, drinking an estimated 50 gallons of soda per person per year. Drinking through a straw reduces the amount of contact that the beverage has with the surface of your teeth. Using a straw also helps to reduce the acidity of the drink on your teeth which will help to minimize the erosion of tooth enamel.

Avoid Staining Foods

Acidic foods and beverages can slowly erode the enamel of your teeth and cause discoloration over time. The acid softens the teeth and then wears away some of the protective outer layers of the tooth. You can reduce the effects of acidic foods and beverages by drinking them with a straw whenever possible or rinsing your mouth with water afterward. You can also reduce the amount you eat or drink as much as possible. Then rinse your mouth out with water before you brush your teeth.

Brush and Floss Regularly

Your teeth are naturally stained by the foods and beverages you consume every day. Many of the foods and drinks you consume on a daily basis can cause stains because they contain dark pigments like tannins. These compounds come from plant foods like berries, coffee, and wine. Unfortunately, they easily stick to your teeth, where they can stain them over time. That’s why it’s so important to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. It’s the best way to prevent staining.

Brushing and flossing remove plaque and food particles from between teeth and under the gumline, where harmful bacteria can grow and cause gum disease or tooth decay. It also cleans the surface of your teeth, so any foods you eat don’t stick. A toothbrush can clean the surfaces of your molars, but food can still get stuck in between, so the bristles can’t reach it. This is why flossing is so important.

Have Regular Dental Cleanings

Having professional teeth cleanings at the dentist’s office every six months will remove plaque from your teeth that at-home brushing and flossing often miss. You’ll leave your appointment with a brighter smile and fresher breath! Regular cleanings also help prevent staining because your dentist will remove stains on the surface of your teeth. They’ll also polish teeth to remove surface stains. If you’ve noticed a few surface stains on your teeth, you might want to book a professional teeth whitening treatment. This uses a powerful whitening gel that can remove deep-set stains to give you a brighter, whiter smile. It’s a great way to make your smile look more youthful and attractive.

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